New Jersey Rush Soccer Club

Parent Code of Conduct

It is expected that parents/guardians of players of the New Jersey Rush Soccer Club shall conduct themselves in a manner that is of the highest standards while at training, practice sessions, games, tournaments or any other function or soccer event.

As a parent of a player for the New Jersey Rush Soccer Club, I hereby pledge to provide support, care and encouragement for my child and promise to uphold the following Code of Conduct:

  1. I will encourage good sportsmanship by demonstrating positive support for all players, coaches, officials and opposing player, coaches and teams.
  2. I will place the emotional and physical well being of my child ahead of any personal desire to win, remembering that the game is for the children and not for the adults.
  3. I will insist that my child play in a safe and healthy environment.
  4. I will provide support for coaches, trainers and officials who are working with my child to provide a positive, enjoyable experience for all.
  5. I will demand a drug, alcohol and tobacco free sports environment for my child and all children, and agree to assist by refraining from their use at any and all HYSC activities.
  6. I will do my best to make this sports activity fun for my child and all participating children.
  7. I will ask my child to treat all players, coaches, trainers and officials with respect.
  8. I will help my child enjoy their sports experience within my personal constraints by assisting with finances, being a respectful fan, providing transportation or whatever I am capable of doing to support my child and NJ Rush.
  9. I agree not to stand near the training and/or practice area and will maintain a distance of approximately 100 yards away from training and/or practice activities so as not to cause a distraction.
  10. I will not approach the trainers or coaches with an impending issue before; during or after a training and/or practice session and games unless prior, mutually agreed upon arrangements have been made.
  11. I will not coach any player or interfere with any coaching activities during the training/ practice sessions or games; this includes telling any player what to do when they have the ball (pass, shoot, etc.)
  12. I agree not to criticize or make any disparaging comments about any player, coach or official during training/practice sessions or games.
  13. I agree not to criticize the New Jersey Soccer Club in a public forum; instead I will submit my concerns in writing directly to the appropriate Boys/Girls Travel Commissioner to be addressed appropriately.
  14. I will make every effort to ensure that my child:
    1. Attends practice/training when scheduled or will provide 24 hour notice of impending absence.
    2. Is at practice and ready to start at the scheduled time.
    3. Is at each game 1 hour prior to the scheduled start time.
    4. Notifies the coach at least 48 hours in advance if the player will miss a game (excludes cases of illness and family emergencies).
  15. I am also responsible for the behavior of any guest that I may bring to any team activity.
  16. I will make every attempt to attend monthly General Membership Meetings to gain valuable NJ Rush information.

Parents or Guardians registering their players with NJ Rush Soccer Club agree to the above Parents Code of Conduct and understand that my (our) failure to uphold any of these statements may result in disciplinary action by the Board of Directors or the Coaches, which may include, but is not limited to, monetary sanctions and/or the forfeiture of my (our) right to attend and watch my child participate in any training, practice sessions, game, tournament, or any other Club function or event.


New Jersey Rush Soccer Club
PO Box 129 
Blackwood, New Jersey 08012

Phone : 609-414-7874
Email: [email protected]


Rush National sponsor

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